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Author Topic: Bigstock Partner - Single Unit Merchandise?  (Read 5884 times)

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« on: February 23, 2013, 10:57 »
I saw a sale this morning with a description I'd not seen before - for a total royalty of 83 cents, so I can't imagine this is for any type of EL for T-shirt printing

Has anyone had a sale that was identified as "Bigstock Partner - Single Unit Merchandise" or does anyone know what that is? If not I'll write to support and find out, but it sounds as if they've done some deal that lets a partner buy a print on demand EL one at a time, which I guess I wouldn't be too happy about

« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 11:05 »
Sounds to me more like somebody purchased a single tee shirt or coffee mug from a place like Zazzle for their own use with your image on it.  Would you need an EL for a single tee shirt?

ETA they do have a relationship with Cafe press

« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 14:09 »
Thank you - that must be it. This is in their Cafe Press section,768096802

And that's the image I received an 83 cent royalty for.

I'm going to opt out of partner deals right now as I'm effectively competing with myself at Fine Art America where I make a lot more - even on a greeting card sale.

The cheapest thing I see is $14 - and I make 83 cents?? No thanks.

« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2013, 16:10 »
OK let's do this:

This has to be the next BIG thing!

I found my images under the Bigstock pseudonym  as well.

It is NOT enough for Bigstock to allow us to opt out from "Partner Sales" in general.

What if I want to be opted in for digital files sales BUT NOT POD partners?

I already have a Cafepress and Zazzle store. Now I'm competing against myself?

Through sales on Cafepress with my Bigstock images I will make at least 30% less than selling through my own Cafepress marketplace account.

This is not cool that we get undercut with our own images through sales like this.

Am I the only one thinking that this stinks?

« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2013, 16:13 »
So on this note I would suggest that all agencies publish their partners officially so that we contributors can decide whether we want to submit our images directly to these "partners" ourselves and make more $$$ or just allow the agencies to use our images and take a bigger cut!

« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2013, 16:38 »
Thus is very similar to Veer and Alamy - they don't consider the need to let us choose not to compete with ourselves

I think this issue of lack of transparency (although Bigstock does have this on their site) and lack of control - preferably deal by deal - is important for fair trade

The agency acts like it owns these works but they don't.

In the Bigstock case I'm assuming I'll be gone on March 15 as they show no signs of being interested in a dialog about an opt out

« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2013, 11:10 »
I opted out of partner sales and sent Bigstock support a note asking when the files would be gone. Their reply this morning said

"It will take a maximum of 7 days for your images to be removed from the partner sites."

I think both files of mine that were in their CafePress store are already down (they show up in searches but you get an "oops" page if you try to buy.


« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2013, 11:20 »
I know this is not related to the subject but ... I had a 25 cent (subscription) sale this morning.  It is the first sale I can remember that was less than 50 cents.
I've not been around the forum for a while but assume this is related to a post about the NEW subscription sales at BS?

Is this the new norm?

« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2013, 11:26 »
I know this is not related to the subject but ... I had a 25 cent (subscription) sale this morning.  It is the first sale I can remember that was less than 50 cents.
I've not been around the forum for a while but assume this is related to a post about the NEW subscription sales at BS?

Is this the new norm?

Boy, are you in for a fun read :)

Catch up here


« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2013, 11:30 »
It needs to be a basic requirement that an agency lists its partners and allows opt outs, at least for categories of use if not per individual partner.

This is where a Union would be handy


« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2013, 12:25 »
Thanks, JoAnn.  I guess I will be in the "wait and see" group. 
I'm wondering -- since BS is owned by SS --  was BS included in the deal that took SS Public? 

« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2013, 13:44 »
Per the conversation about this last week, over the weekend I went to Bigstock to double check that I was still opted out of Partner programs. I had a hard time finding where that was, so I sent an email to support. I also asked about an opt out for subs since I already sell on SS. I got a reply today. Here's what they said:

"We do not offer an opt out for subscriptions."

I have been watching my sales. If it looks like subs are taking over PPDs, I will remove my port. I'm not going to undercut myself.

83 cents on a $14 sales is just criminal.  >:(

« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2013, 14:35 »
But at least there is some product in that price, or was $14 the markup?

« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2013, 14:56 »
$14 was for a poster, so there is some product cost in there.

But (a) I have no way of knowing what BigStock is collecting and (b) I think that doing print on demand for a cheapo-poster isn't a great deal for the artist - so even if $11.24 is material costs and I'm getting my 30% of $2.76, I think that's a really crappy deal.

I don't think at the lower end pricing there's any room for a middle-man (agency)


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