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Author Topic: What would you like to see in the new manage images / upload process?  (Read 45477 times)

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Beppe Grillo

« Reply #75 on: November 05, 2014, 11:07 »
You should review the photos more accurately
When I see this: E3FEAC RF   E3FEHN RF    E3FEHT RF    E38AYK RF     E38AYT RF       E38AYY RF
or this   E2MJWP RF     E2MK1J RF     E2MK1N RF     E36N5J RF     E36N5Y RF     E36N9G RF
I have difficulties to believe that you review the images.


« Reply #76 on: November 05, 2014, 11:43 »
You should review the photos more accurately
When I see this: E3FEAC RF   E3FEHN RF    E3FEHT RF    E38AYK RF     E38AYT RF       E38AYY RF
or this   E2MJWP RF     E2MK1J RF     E2MK1N RF     E36N5J RF     E36N5Y RF     E36N9G RF
I have difficulties to believe that you review the images.
thats a lot of hex color codes  :o


« Reply #77 on: November 05, 2014, 12:19 »
You should review the photos more accurately
When I see this: E3FEAC RF   E3FEHN RF    E3FEHT RF    E38AYK RF     E38AYT RF       E38AYY RF
or this   E2MJWP RF     E2MK1J RF     E2MK1N RF     E36N5J RF     E36N5Y RF     E36N9G RF
I have difficulties to believe that you review the images.
This is not the correct thread for that; it'd be better to have a separate thread, in case similar situations like this one are found.

However, if I were Alamy, I'd boot this person right off the site. That's a flagrant violation of their similars policy: uploading half a dozen copies of the SAME FILE. She had been uploading only 3 each, but for some reason recently decided that wasn't enough.

I don't know why someone who is this talented would do such a thing. Here's her port on DT; it's superb:

« Reply #78 on: November 05, 2014, 12:31 »
Second point is not related to keywording, but I really need this: when I upload to Alamy, nobody can use the same router

Assuming you are on a Mac, Google "ipfw" for simple one line terminal code to temporarily limit and then unlimited the bandwidth on port 80. Then your machine will not suck all of the bandwidth available on the network.

Well, my skill it's not enough to understand deeply what you are saying, but I had this problem in three countries and with Mac Os 10, Win XP and Win 8, both with mozilla and chrome, with ADSL and from last week with optical fiber too. There is something thatbI can do, considering that I use mainly Mac (Maverick, but I will upgrade soon with Yosemite)? Thanks a lot.


« Reply #79 on: November 05, 2014, 13:37 »
If this is not the place, why even post the link to the portfolio elsewhere??

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #80 on: November 05, 2014, 15:03 »
You should review the photos more accurately
When I see this: E3FEAC RF   E3FEHN RF    E3FEHT RF    E38AYK RF     E38AYT RF       E38AYY RF
or this   E2MJWP RF     E2MK1J RF     E2MK1N RF     E36N5J RF     E36N5Y RF     E36N9G RF
I have difficulties to believe that you review the images.
This is not the correct thread for that; it'd be better to have a separate thread, in case similar situations like this one are found.

However, if I were Alamy, I'd boot this person right off the site. That's a flagrant violation of their similars policy: uploading half a dozen copies of the SAME FILE. She had been uploading only 3 each, but for some reason recently decided that wasn't enough.

I don't know why someone who is this talented would do such a thing. Here's her port on DT; it's superb:

Yes, it is right


« Reply #81 on: November 06, 2014, 11:35 »
Please enable the undo and redo action for the keyword (and other) fields.

Occasionally all the keywords get selected and a click on the space bar or another key and all is lost.


« Reply #82 on: November 06, 2014, 17:48 »
1. Stop splitting keywords in 3 categories
2. Switch to comma separated keywords and expressions, directly imported from Lightroom.


« Reply #83 on: November 07, 2014, 03:13 »
1 - The size of the keyword fields don't make sense with the area for the "Main keywords" being much larger than what is occupied for the 300 characters, and the size for the "Comprehensive keywords" field small for the 856 characters it allows. Not that I use 856 characters in the "Comprehensive keywords", but on import the keywords on the IPTC are put in this field and I cannot see them all to organize and divide them through the other fields.

2 - when we double clicking on a keyword please also select the space after the word like on MS Word. Sometimes I want to move a keyword and I need to correct the double space that stays deleting one space, and on paste to add a space after the keyword. It's a small thing but repeat that several tenths of times and it starts to get annoying.

3 - In the Attributes Tab abandon the drop down fields and use the same system as in the old Manage Images where we have all options in sight and simply put the dots in the round "thingy". Or better yet, simply highlight the option selected when we click in the word/box. Drop down menus are a waste of time especially when the whole edit window is so small and could be bigger and with the space better used.


« Reply #84 on: November 07, 2014, 04:47 »
And another one...

Enable the "Find" function.

Sometimes, when I'm selecting the keywords for the "Essential keywords" I need to find a word that's among other ones and I lose some time finding it. A simple Find tool would help a lot.

It would also allow to find double spaces and correct them since they count for the characters total and that may force a keyword down from the Main to Comprehensive fields.

« Reply #85 on: November 07, 2014, 20:12 »
 - Change from a character limit to a keyword limit, with keywords being comma separated so multiple word keywords count as one.

 - Allow more keywords while editing, with a red star/outline/whatever to show that we can't save until we're under the limit.  It's much easier to pick and choose what we do and don't want to keep when all the info is in the edit box to start with (see e.g. FAA's editing.  Or Crated's).

 - I can see a need for tiered keywords, but can it be two rather than three, and make it easy to select which ones are "essentials" with something similar to Zazzle's "power" keywords where you click on the keyword to toggle if a keyword is a "power" one or not.  The first 10 added are automatically top tier, but if you're a Lightroom user it's so easy to change.

Thanks for listening.


« Reply #86 on: November 09, 2014, 08:41 »
Just a belated thankyou to A (in this thread) for pointing out the batch facility which I had  managed not to notice before but is really a good help! Ta! 

« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 03:56 by PZF »

« Reply #87 on: November 09, 2014, 10:24 »
1. Allow viewing and removing uploaded but not yet reviewed (pending) batches (useful in case you uploaded wrong file, etc.)

2. Send original names of uploaded files with the list of unfinished (approved but not yet online) files.
It will allow to implement automatic submission without fetching details of all the images and thus will significantly reduce the server load, make submission process faster and more reliable.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 10:34 by Niakris »

« Reply #88 on: November 09, 2014, 10:41 »
Is it too late here to say that I would just like to see a little less work. There is too much metadata of impossible things to worry about. Is it editorial, yes or no. If it has people and no model release, then it's editorial by default and we don't need to try and count the number of people in it. The 3 tier keywording system is enough to not bother with. It's just too arduous. Why would we want to spend our lives keywording an image 3 times? Ludicrous. If you want to see more uploads, then sit down and devise a system where the contributor makes the fewest clicks per upload. There is nothing finer than a thoughtful agency who considers the contributors' time. Thanks.


« Reply #89 on: November 09, 2014, 10:42 »
- Change from a character limit to a keyword limit, with keywords being comma separated so multiple word keywords count as one.

 - Allow more keywords while editing, with a red star/outline/whatever to show that we can't save until we're under the limit.  It's much easier to pick and choose what we do and don't want to keep when all the info is in the edit box to start with (see e.g. FAA's editing.  Or Crated's).

 - I can see a need for tiered keywords, but can it be two rather than three, and make it easy to select which ones are "essentials" with something similar to Zazzle's "power" keywords where you click on the keyword to toggle if a keyword is a "power" one or not.  The first 10 added are automatically top tier, but if you're a Lightroom user it's so easy to change.

Thanks for listening.
that's a great one! Alamy should really listen and implement it!

« Reply #90 on: November 09, 2014, 14:44 »
Is it too late here to say that I would just like to see a little less work. There is too much metadata of impossible things to worry about. Is it editorial, yes or no. If it has people and no model release, then it's editorial by default and we don't need to try and count the number of people in it. The 3 tier keywording system is enough to not bother with. It's just too arduous. Why would we want to spend our lives keywording an image 3 times? Ludicrous. If you want to see more uploads, then sit down and devise a system where the contributor makes the fewest clicks per upload. There is nothing finer than a thoughtful agency who considers the contributors' time. Thanks.

I agree with Zeus.   Stop messing about with having to add main keywords,  and mid level keywords.  If you want to weight keywords, you can give more weight to the first 6 or 7.  Or better yet, weight the searches toward the descriptions, as some other sites do.

Until a couple of years ago, we just had to check a box stating we had  releases or not.  Now you have followed the  micros in insisting we assign however many releases to the picture.  If you shoot large groups of people this is prohibitive.

I  like Alamy, but with the low levels of sales and revenue, it isn't really worth the cumbersome upload process.  I only submit images quarterly or less often.

« Reply #91 on: November 10, 2014, 01:00 »
I'd love a refresh page function on the Manage Images page. The only way to do it now is to change over to another option such as "Images Ready" and then go back to "Images Not Ready."

I find it easy to lose track of what I've edited when doing batches of unrelated photos.


« Reply #92 on: November 10, 2014, 10:56 »
I'd love a refresh page function on the Manage Images page. The only way to do it now is to change over to another option such as "Images Ready" and then go back to "Images Not Ready."

I find it easy to lose track of what I've edited when doing batches of unrelated photos.

I usually do it by clicking the "Go to page" after writing "1" in the box (if that's the page I'm working on). That will refresh the page.

« Reply #93 on: November 11, 2014, 12:09 »
One more thing, if anyone else has not mentioned it.

I like the old version better because it was simple and effective. I could edit a few images on the same page without having to click if I don't want to.

I hope Alamy will find ways to make contributors more effective and not use newer web design to slow us down.

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #94 on: November 11, 2014, 12:20 »
I'd love a refresh page function on the Manage Images page. The only way to do it now is to change over to another option such as "Images Ready" and then go back to "Images Not Ready."

I find it easy to lose track of what I've edited when doing batches of unrelated photos.

"cmd R" on Mac or "ctrl R" on PC works at me


« Reply #95 on: November 11, 2014, 12:43 »
I like the old version better because it was simple and effective. I could edit a few images on the same page without having to click if I don't want to.

I mentioned that in my post above, and someone else did before me. I think this and no more tabs are the most important to improve productivity.

« Reply #96 on: November 11, 2014, 15:21 »
The most important thing for me is first an ftp upload!!! All other things are nice to have but not important. Then you need a batch process to read the ITPC Headers from a jpg. Thats it! But currently your upload process is a mess, sorry. But we are in 2014 now.


« Reply #97 on: November 12, 2014, 05:37 »
I'd like to be able to add a note to reviewers from time to time. For example, I am about to upload a few images which, by their very nature, were rather more 'grab shots' than I would normally send. But I think they have value. I would like to be able to point out that I am AWARE thery are not 100% top notch but that there is a reason....
Often I don't upload 'marginal' photos of things which I think are a bit unusual but useful, for fear of being cast into the outer darkness of no more uploads for a month....

« Reply #98 on: November 12, 2014, 05:56 »

"Simple is the best"- as old people say...


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #99 on: November 12, 2014, 06:50 »
One button to indicate editorial.


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