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Author Topic: Awaiting QC  (Read 29464 times)

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Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2020, 16:51 »
Just uploaded the wrong file in error, and I'm searching for how to delete the image, which is sure to fail, before it gets to review. Clicked all over, I can't find out how? Anyone know?

Thank You, I searched here and there and apparently didn't use the right words to find an older question and answer. But I did get an answer from Alamy:

Mistakenly uploaded images?

    Unfortunately, our system doesnt let us delete images during processing or quality control. If they pass QC you can delete them under the optional tab in the Alamy Image Manager.

So I'm screwed unless they miss the bad blend of a tree trunk and out of focus "shrubbery" that I needed to clone in some sharp leaves, that weren't blowing in the wind. Lesson learned, check and re-check.  ;)

« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2020, 04:50 »
Just uploaded the wrong file in error, and I'm searching for how to delete the image, which is sure to fail, before it gets to review. Clicked all over, I can't find out how? Anyone know?

You can't you have to wait until the image goes thru QC if it passes then you have the option to delete it before it goes on sale

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2020, 10:07 »
Just uploaded the wrong file in error, and I'm searching for how to delete the image, which is sure to fail, before it gets to review. Clicked all over, I can't find out how? Anyone know?

You can't you have to wait until the image goes thru QC if it passes then you have the option to delete it before it goes on sale

Did that, forced to have one keyword. Then I switched it to a Pseudo - Pseudo  ;) that has no images. Checked this morning, it's apparently nowhere to be found.

Lucky me, it passed. It was just a flawed stitch, a tree trunk, I didn't like the way it looked and I didn't want a buyer to get something with a surprise up in the top left.

Old image, now I have to send out the search party for what the heck I did with the originals, and check for the one that caused the problem. Eight months later,, here I go, somewhere on the backup drive in 2019... it's not where it's supposed to be under GoPro 2019... Darn I hate it when I do that.

« Reply #28 on: June 25, 2020, 20:25 »
Question for those who have 2 stars as their level/rank on Alamy:
What is the current waiting time for QC after you upload a new batch of images (photos, not vectors)?

« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2020, 00:51 »
Does anyone had a similar experience:

I started uploading to Alamy about 3 weeks ago. So far, so good, very smooth, all accepted.

Now I received a message, that 1 image failed QC. Fair enough, I thought.

Then I checked my Account just to see that ALL remaining 22 batches with more than 900 images, have been rejected without being assessed just because 1 image failed QC. 22 batches uploaded over a period of 4 days, not related to each other, different topics, different shooting dates, all accepted at other agencies.

I contacted support, we'll see what they say. If they expect me to upload the whole lot again, the relationship will be over before it actually started.  :(

« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2020, 01:13 »
Does anyone had a similar experience:

I started uploading to Alamy about 3 weeks ago. So far, so good, very smooth, all accepted.

Now I received a message, that 1 image failed QC. Fair enough, I thought.

Then I checked my Account just to see that ALL remaining 22 batches with more than 900 images, have been rejected without being assessed just because 1 image failed QC. 22 batches uploaded over a period of 4 days, not related to each other, different topics, different shooting dates, all accepted at other agencies.

I contacted support, we'll see what they say. If they expect me to upload the whole lot again, the relationship will be over before it actually started.  :(

Yes, that's how Alamy reviews images. They don't look at all of your images, but just make a sample test and look at only one of your images from a batch.
 If that one gets approved, all of the images in the batch gets approved, if it gets rejected, all images get rejected.
It's how they do things and all you can do is re-upload the images again.

« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2020, 11:54 »
Does anyone had a similar experience:

I started uploading to Alamy about 3 weeks ago. So far, so good, very smooth, all accepted.

Now I received a message, that 1 image failed QC. Fair enough, I thought.

Then I checked my Account just to see that ALL remaining 22 batches with more than 900 images, have been rejected without being assessed just because 1 image failed QC. 22 batches uploaded over a period of 4 days, not related to each other, different topics, different shooting dates, all accepted at other agencies.

I contacted support, we'll see what they say. If they expect me to upload the whole lot again, the relationship will be over before it actually started.  :(

You never read the FAQ? https://www.alamy.com/contributor/faqs/quality-control/?section=4

« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2020, 19:50 »
Thanks to both of you for your replies, very much appreciated.

Yes, I read the FAQs and I have read about the handling of reviews here in the forum, so I was aware about the unique review by Alamy.

But my issue is, that I had not just 1 submission but 22 submissions rejected at once. A I have mentioned above, they are totally unrelated, different shooting dates, different locations, different cameras, different models, uploaded over a period of 4 days.

So far no answer from support. I guess I won't waste anymore time on this.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2020, 20:11 »
Thanks to both of you for your replies, very much appreciated.

Yes, I read the FAQs and I have read about the handling of reviews here in the forum, so I was aware about the unique review by Alamy.

But my issue is, that I had not just 1 submission but 22 submissions rejected at once. A I have mentioned above, they are totally unrelated, different shooting dates, different locations, different cameras, different models, uploaded over a period of 4 days.

So far no answer from support. I guess I won't waste anymore time on this.
That is exactly how it works. One file fails, every submission batch which is currently awaiting QC fails.
From the FAQs:
"Q. Why do you reject my whole submission if you find a problem with one of my images?
A. We receive over 100,000 images a day so its simply not possible for us to check every image. We check a small sample of your images and if all images in that sample are ok then well pass the whole submission. If we find one failure then all images awaiting QC will fail.
We take the view that every image you submit should meet our QC standards so when we look at a random sample we expect it to represent the quality of all images submitted. Our top tip is to check all images at 100% (actual pixels) before you submit."

Advice from the forum to newbies is generally only to upload a dozen or so files at a time until you 'get' their QC.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 20:29 by ShadySue »

« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2020, 21:19 »
Thanks for your answer Sue,
I don't want this to become an endless story, it's not that important. But just for your info: I uploaded again 4 batches, 4 submissions. 1 image has been rejected, the rest accepted. I am confused ... but okay.


Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #35 on: July 08, 2020, 08:37 »
Thanks for your answer Sue,
I don't want this to become an endless story, it's not that important. But just for your info: I uploaded again 4 batches, 4 submissions. 1 image has been rejected, the rest accepted. I am confused ... but okay.


If it's rejected for technical specifications, size, colorspace, or an upload error, then the rest go through to review. If it's rejected in review, by a human, everything waiting will be rejected.

One fail all fail applies to: "If we find one failure then all images awaiting QC will fail."

It's possible to have the intake, pre-check, for meeting technical standards, refuse a file. That's not the same as a review failure.



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