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Author Topic: Sports Editorial and Associated Press, Reuters, etc  (Read 9809 times)

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« on: October 01, 2008, 17:43 »
I was thinking about sending Alamy some sports images but it seems like most news sites use places like Associated Press and Reuters and not Alamy, Getty,  or other stock sites.

Anybody know what the arrangement is with how Associated Press and Reuters supplies and sells their images?

« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2008, 07:00 »
Hello Paulie...

Serious news/sporting images will never sold in places that don't concentrate solely on news..  that's where AP, Reuters, AFP, McGetty etc. excel.  They are truly worldwide and produce the images themselves and don't rely on freelance contributions.  They mainly sell their images on subscription services.

Don't hold your breath getting in the door with one of the big boys, it might be better to look for something smaller or closer to home.   A great resource is www.sportsshooter.com

good luck.  JC

« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2008, 15:09 »
This post may help you out a bit.


Getting started in this area is really more about networking and knowledge acquisition. Yes you need the talent too. Much different from the microstock game.


« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2008, 06:44 »
ESPN (the website and the TV version) extensively use Getty images.  I've seen them many times on Sports Center, and on their web front page.  In fact right now (645am US EST) there is a beautiful picture of Tim Tebow on the ESPN front page credited to Doug Benc of Getty Images.


« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2008, 14:55 »
I was thinking about sending Alamy some sports images but it seems like most news sites use places like Associated Press and Reuters and not Alamy, Getty,  or other stock sites.

Anybody know what the arrangement is with how Associated Press and Reuters supplies and sells their images?

It's not something I do so what I say is just based on the snippets I've picked up alomg the way, however it's my understanding that AP and Reuters are more for full time journalistic photographers with press cards who are out there full time shooting those type of images, it's up to the minute take the shot and beam it into the editor kind of stuff.

From the nature of your very question I'm guessing that's not what you do, as someone else mentioned Alamy Getty etc do sell sports images and certainly in the UK I see a lot of credits to those agencies in the papers, so unless the sports images you're talking about happened today or yesterday I wouldn't think AP and Rueters are for you.

Of course you could always email them and ask!

« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2008, 15:20 »
Paulie I was a freelance journalist and photographer before I started stock.

The glam that comes with having your name as a byline is outweighed by having to work with the scum of the publishing world ... newspaper editors.

They lie, promise to pay top dollar, delay your payment until you cut the invoice amount down to next to nothing. Steal your images, reuse them over and over. Not worth it.

The best thing you can do in that world is working with smaller magazines etc, or find who are the top writers and be their photographer.


« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2008, 22:26 »
the days of working for newspapers on spec are really gone. i used to be able to survive on spec going across the country, or even when i was in the capital, and working for the weeklies. they used to pay me 15 dollars for each image they pick, and it was not unusual for me to walk out of the office with 90 dollars from 6 shots of 36. (we used to shoot negatives then, lol). but that was in the late 80's till the
crash in the 90's.  yes, 15 dollars an image, micro stock, lol...
not 15 cents. and that was in the 80's to the mid 90's.

today, like litifeta says, you'd be lucky not to be ripped off lol. most newspapers do not pay anything, they get free photos from newsagencies. and they welcome volunteers . times have changed. yes !
but if you're in a country where photojournalism is still  old school, who knows,
there might be some way to make it.   
call them , your local papers,etc.. , and see if they'll get you to be a stringer , or just to work on spec.  that's basically how i started when i graduated from NYI , quit my accounting job,  moved to the capital, to work as a retoucher, stringer, and AV specialist. but the stringer work was the most fun, not the most paying... but the most challenging and satisfying. because i got to travel and saw the whole country as a mere young man with his batteries of Nikon F, OM2, and Rolleiflex SLX, all paid for ... speeding across canada in a white  camaro.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2008, 22:38 by hali »

« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2015, 18:35 »
I was thinking about sending Alamy some sports images but it seems like most news sites use places like Associated Press and Reuters and not Alamy, Getty,  or other stock sites.

Anybody know what the arrangement is with how Associated Press and Reuters supplies and sells their images?

you can be pretty sure they prefer their buddies belonging to the "worldwide network" that was schientifically proven by the ETH in Zurich, Switzerland.

« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2015, 05:23 »
old thread alert, 7 years old


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2015, 07:21 »
old thread alert, 7 years old
How does it so often work that newbies, presumably trying to build up their posting numbers so that they can start a new thread, so often seem to dredge up ancient threads?
I've been trying to find a thread I think I started in the past year, and can't remember the answer to, and I may have to post it again.  :-[


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