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Author Topic: Balance carried forward vs. Cleared balance  (Read 36143 times)

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  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2012, 19:52 »
So when should I start emailing support about earnings not clearing?  I have a sale from July 18th that hasn't cleared yet.  They really need to make those pages easier to read and deal with.
3 months, probably. Could be longer if it's a distributor sale or a UK Newspaper Scheme sale.

« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2012, 19:54 »
They seem to be bending over backwards - and then some - to satisfy customers.  Since they have no real inventory costs (we stock their shelves for nothing)  and fixed storage costs (the image is on their servers whether it's sold or not) the policy seems to be "pay us - whenever", and at any time a customer can change their mind and decide they don't want the image.  Or maybe I should say, they don't want it any longer. 

So I don't even look at a sale as a sale unless and until it's cleared.   Seems like a strange way to do business but there it is.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 20:19 by stockastic »

« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2012, 20:59 »
It was just a regular sale not novel so I'm not sure if was distrobution or newspaper no idea.  I'll give it until next Friday (a little over 3 months) before I email them.  So if that's the case there goes my payout I thought I was going to get in November.  I'll be lucky if I see it before the first of the year  :-\


« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2012, 02:22 »
So when should I start emailing support about earnings not clearing?  I have a sale from July 18th that hasn't cleared yet.  They really need to make those pages easier to read and deal with.

I asked Alamy the same question and here is their answer

Alamy have a dedicated Credit Control team working around the world on outstanding payments.  If you have not seen the payment clear we have not given up or forgotten about it, we are still chasing it.  In fact, when it comes to collecting overdue payments our average time is about 30 to 40 days, the industry average is 60 days.


« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2012, 02:23 »
They seem to be bending over backwards - and then some - to satisfy customers.  Since they have no real inventory costs (we stock their shelves for nothing)  and fixed storage costs (the image is on their servers whether it's sold or not) the policy seems to be "pay us - whenever", and at any time a customer can change their mind and decide they don't want the image.  Or maybe I should say, they don't want it any longer. 

So I don't even look at a sale as a sale unless and until it's cleared.   Seems like a strange way to do business but there it is.
  Part in bold +1

« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2012, 10:06 »
The only part that actually annoys me is that they're showing us 'sales' that may not turn out to be sales.  Seeing a big sale show up in your account, then seeing it cancelled weeks later, is frustrating and absolutely pointless.  Why don't they just show us a sale after they've actually been paid?   What they're showing us now is really images downloaded "on approval", not sales.


« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2012, 10:57 »
LOL - lots of rumors in this thread.

The person reporting the $8k in sales from the 11th uses the psuedo Arresting Images. He's a crime scene photographer (and he doesn't have an 83,000 image portfolio).

Also should clear up that Jeff Greenberg is not exclusive to Alamy - he is at other agencies....some with the same size portfolio...and some (edited agencies) with a smaller portfolio.

Alamy reports a sale to your account when it is billed to a customer.  When they post the payment received from their customer, your balance "clears" and the money goes into your account.  If you meet the minimum threshold for payout, you can request your funds.


« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2012, 11:24 »
LOL - lots of rumors in this thread.

The person reporting the $8k in sales from the 11th uses the psuedo Arresting Images. He's a crime scene photographer (and he doesn't have an 83,000 image portfolio).

Also should clear up that Jeff Greenberg is not exclusive to Alamy - he is at other agencies....some with the same size portfolio...and some (edited agencies) with a smaller portfolio.

Alamy reports a sale to your account when it is billed to a customer.  When they post the payment received from their customer, your balance "clears" and the money goes into your account.  If you meet the minimum threshold for payout, you can request your funds.

LOL, Lots of misreading as well, the 8k mentioned was for September sales, not the 11th of October where Arresting Images sold 41 images on one day for 180 dollar a pop. Which by the way is 7380 dollar and not 8000.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2012, 12:22 »
Alamy reports a sale to your account when it is billed to a customer.  When they post the payment received from their customer, your balance "clears" and the money goes into your account.  If you meet the minimum threshold for payout, you can request your funds.
I've never had to request; it's always been automatic around the beginning of the month after I reach the threshold.

« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2012, 13:04 »
I've just had some clear from the beginning of July.

« Reply #35 on: October 14, 2012, 13:52 »
I've just had some clear from the beginning of July.

The maybe there's hope for it.  I'll give it to the end of October if it hasn't cleared I'll email them.

« Reply #36 on: October 15, 2012, 07:28 »
So when should I start emailing support about earnings not clearing?  I have a sale from July 18th that hasn't cleared yet.  They really need to make those pages easier to read and deal with.

Depends from what sale you made. British papers' sales are paid normally 2 to 3 months later Alamy noticed a sale on your account.
In April I discovered a photo of mine published on a website and sold through Alamy. A couple of months later, I wrote an email to members service asking for when it would have been paid and still today Alamy doesn't know when!

« Reply #37 on: October 17, 2012, 02:52 »
currently my cleared balance: $173.26  ;D so close ... yet so far.


« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2012, 03:33 »
LOL - lots of rumors in this thread.

The person reporting the $8k in sales from the 11th uses the psuedo Arresting Images. He's a crime scene photographer (and he doesn't have an 83,000 image portfolio).

Also should clear up that Jeff Greenberg is not exclusive to Alamy - he is at other agencies....some with the same size portfolio...and some (edited agencies) with a smaller portfolio.

LOL - No you've read it wrong as someone has already pointed out, as for JG I'm not going to comment as he's not here to defend himself (is he?), other than the 'other' agency you refer to is probably his own site and he has a 'smaller portfolio' on 'edited agencies' most probably for the reasons mentioned, he's not doing anything wrong I was just pointing out that he's nowhere near the top sellers list at Alamy, and that $8k gross from 83,000 images isn't exactly, IMO, something to look up to. You only have to check his portfolio to see that it's quantity not quality, but that's what makes Alamy great and highlights that in the stock photo industry sometimes any image will do from a buyers perspective. Good for him, but I wouldn't encourage others to follow his example and neither I expect would he!


« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2012, 03:42 »
The maybe there's hope for it.  I'll give it to the end of October if it hasn't cleared I'll email them.

Anita, if you haven't already done so just email them, they have the most friendly support staff of any agency you'll find, you may get a standard reply but at least you will have highlighted it.

My best advice for anybody on Alamy is ignore any figures, the only figure that matters is your 'cleared balance' figure because that's what you're getting.

As for the person that asked why sales are reported before they've paid, it's because many of the images on Alamy are RM, if you have a sale reported that's then cancelled it gives you some knowledge to help manage your RM portfolio and know what, where and how an image has been used legitimately and to follow up on any infringers you may find.

FTR over recent years Alamy have significantly improved their procedures on chasing up payments, it use to be horrendous believe me.

« Reply #40 on: October 22, 2012, 03:40 »
I guess I don't have to now RT that sale just got refunded :(  Poopie!


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2012, 04:04 »
I guess I don't have to now RT that sale just got refunded :(  Poopie!


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