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Author Topic: any tips&tricks for keywording  (Read 23702 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2013, 17:32 »
Yes, keywording is a major PITA.   It's not likely to get better, because nothing at Alamy's site ever seems to change.

I have 300 images there and made a few sales - then starting around September things went stone cold and I sort of ceased caring.  Something seems to have changed because now, I'm getting 'zooms' (views) again - but no sales.  I get no kicks from these clicks.


« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2013, 17:38 »
Me and Alamy are a bad marriage, I dont get any of their rules and BS CT rating, blah, but apparently you need to keyword with few keywords, and exact.

« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2013, 18:47 »
I don't think 'zooms', CT etc actually mean anything.  The sales I got were photos that never showed up as 'zooms'.   I got excited for a while last year when I made some sales, but it died a hard death later in the year.


« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2013, 09:35 »
I don't think 'zooms', CT etc actually mean anything.  The sales I got were photos that never showed up as 'zooms'.   I got excited for a while last year when I made some sales, but it died a hard death later in the year.

I tend to agree that all the mumbo jumbo about clicks, zooms and views is hardly important. Yet it gets some people worried and excited, because someone looked or because they are found in a search. I'd be more worried about what doesn't get found in a search!

At least two of my over $200 sales were without a view at all.

Simple answer use those 50 characters in the main box for the most important and useful keywords. Alamy is not useful for keyword spam. Besides people looking don't use obscure and complicated search terms. Go look at what they do use and see. It's very straight forward.

Recent Sales -

pondicherry french    1   5   12   372   3.23
HEART HANDS    1   3   8   3,481   0.23
dominican republic entertainment    1   3   2   120   1.67
Loire River nantes    1   3   5   119   4.2
cottage name uk    1   2   3   205   1.46
compost bin    2   2   5   1,546   0.32
dog training    2   2   9   1,230   0.73
Easton columbus ohio    1   2   1   30   3.33
exotic cars    1   2   1   60   1.67
flodden battlefield    1   2   3   55   5.45
butlins    3   2   7   1,290   0.54
bacon brown sauce    1   2   4   90   4.44
male model    2   2   3   1,230   0.24
ipad    21   2   31   9,010   0.34
johannesburg skyline    2   2   12   260   4.62
hearst castle    1   2   2   834   0.24
house name uk    1   2   4   1,200   0.33
group of children playing    1   2   3   3,720   0.08
maurier    1   2   2   34   5.88
mature woman mascara    1   2   1   262   0.38
snow plough train    1   2   2   35   5.71
spring garden    1   2   20   3,330   0.60
Stena RoRo    1   2   2   110   1.82

Does anyone see vague or strange synonyms? Buyers look for what they want! (although plough is spelled wrong, so maybe?) ???

I don't understand multiple sales from a search for a specific file number, and some are things like a tool booth or gas station. Not exactly a popular high demand image. Two and three sales at $50 each?

CXTNXP    1   3   1   1   100.00 (abandoned gas station in the Fall)
CY5DJY    1   3   1   1   100.00
CWBP1J    1   2   3   3   100.00
CWAWR4    1   2   1   2   50.00
D08497    1   2   1   1   100.00
D1X2HJ    1   2   1   1   100.00
CRT88X    2   2   2   2   100.00
CTHECF    1   2   1   1   100.00

Now I want to add one new word to about 1000 images, I'm not sure there's an easy way to do that. Schlog, schlep and drudgery.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2013, 09:53 »
Some of the searches are quite amusing.
I've had a search on just Margaret, and wondered whether they were writing a book on Margarets and wanted to look at all the possibilities, or had forgotten the surname and hoped they'd get a kickstart to their memories if they found the image.
Yesterday I got two on 'restaurant outside uk edinburgh' (one with WP added). My pics are of people sitting at tables outside restaurants in Edinburgh (Scotland, UK). But did that searcher want instead photos of restaurants in one of the various Edinburghs outside the UK? (so restaurant Edinburgh NOT Scotland might have been better)


« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2013, 22:22 »
Heart Hands


« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2013, 14:09 »
Heart Hands

Yes, the obvious three sales, for April Fools Day. Oh wait, Valentines Day, what's the difference?  ;)

I used to pay closer attention. I thought I was doing "research". Then I discovered that if Cabo Wabo sold in January, the next six months, there wasn't even a search for that.

Many of the searches that are displayed, won't help much to see what people are buying. They will show what people already bought and don't need anymore, most of the time. Chasing top sales doesn't look fruitful.

"Your AlamyRank can suffer if you use irrelevant keywords."

Keywords, put the most important ones in that Essential box (50). Put the next in the Main box (300). If you've run out of space, you have too darn many words! Save Comprehensive for adding names (I use it for drivers names that most people won't want to see, but someone specifically looking will want to know) Trying to avoid BAD hits.

Alamy Annotations

Is there an error in the above, which is copied from the Alamy site? Used to be Comprehensive was displayed, then a couple of years ago they switched to Main displayed. Now it says, neither are displayed? I was using the "invisible" set for specific selected keywords that I didn't want the competition to copy.

Meanwhile, pay attention to what's searched and what's not. And how important each priority is. If you have a marginal word in the Main box, instead of comprehensive, it's going to get found more and harm your click through ratio. (If one is to believe it matters at all?)

Also Alamy has word order and word proximity as part of their search. So making relevant words closer to each other, in the proper order that people will search for them, will help.

Last of all, the Alamy search has some dumb factors. You need to include "Dog" and if there are two or more "Dogs" it helps buyers be specific, but it also means if someone searches for dog, they won't see DOGS if you don't have "DOG" as one of the words. Plurals and extensions of words are not automatic. Likewise it makes the search better because if you searched for * you won't get all the images with "CHRISTmas" or anything else with a partial word contained in it.

Anyone else with any tips?


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