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Author Topic: Alamy and copyright infringement  (Read 7984 times)

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« on: December 01, 2011, 16:20 »
I found 2 of my EPS-illustrations at alamy. Someone offers my illustrations as jpgs, only the colors are changed.

I wrote a mail to alamy, that I am the copyrightholder with links to some agencies, where my EPS-illustrations are sold.

And I got this short answer from alamy:
"The procedure here is such that since the images have been uploaded to alamy by XXX, he has to send us a mail requesting deletion of images which you claim is yours.
Kind regards,"

I was really surprised !
Normally agencies react correct by deleting the pictures/portfolio of the theaf, when I can easily show by links to the original EPS-files, that I am the copyrightholder.

The rules at alamy are so, that the theaf has to mail to alamy to delete the stolen pictures ?

Totally grazy and unacceptable !


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« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2011, 16:33 »
I found 2 of my EPS-illustrations at alamy. Someone offers my illustrations as jpgs, only the colors are changed.

I wrote a mail to alamy, that I am the copyrightholder with links to some agencies, where my EPS-illustrations are sold.

And I got this short answer from alamy:
"The procedure here is such that since the images have been uploaded to alamy by XXX, he has to send us a mail requesting deletion of images which you claim is yours.
Kind regards,"

I was really surprised !
Normally agencies react correct by deleting the pictures/portfolio of the theaf, when I can easily show by links to the original EPS-files, that I am the copyrightholder.

The rules at alamy are so, that the theaf has to mail to alamy to delete the stolen pictures ?

Totally grazy and unacceptable !

That makes no sense, but I've had not really sensible replies to support posts I've sent in the past. Like iStock, I guess it depends who you get answering your query and how quickly they skim your question.

However, that does seem like a very strange response. I can only suggest that you take out a completely new support ticket in the hope of getting a different staff member.

Someone else here may have more experience of this issue.

If you're a contributor to Alamy, you could post a query on their forum. I guess you'd best not actually 'name and shame' the offender on the forum. Some members there are very hot on copyright violations and may be able to give you more detailed advice.

« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 17:08 »
I answered the response from alamy and wait for a reaction.

And yes, I started as a contributor to alamy too, and will try their forum.

« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2011, 19:14 »
I found 2 of my EPS-illustrations at alamy. Someone offers my illustrations as jpgs, only the colors are changed.

I wrote a mail to alamy, that I am the copyrightholder with links to some agencies, where my EPS-illustrations are sold.

And I got this short answer from alamy:
"The procedure here is such that since the images have been uploaded to alamy by XXX, he has to send us a mail requesting deletion of images which you claim is yours.
Kind regards,"

I was really surprised !
Normally agencies react correct by deleting the pictures/portfolio of the theaf, when I can easily show by links to the original EPS-files, that I am the copyrightholder.

The rules at alamy are so, that the theaf has to mail to alamy to delete the stolen pictures ?

Totally grazy and unacceptable !

How are they supposed to know your the real owner of the "original EPS" file? Sure, they have a JPG, but for all they know, you could have "stolen" that EPS file you're using as proof.

Imagine what it would be like if anyone could just point a finger, yell "copyright infringer" and get the persons account deleted....

« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2011, 03:31 »
How are they supposed to know your the real owner of the "original EPS" file? Sure, they have a JPG, but for all they know, you could have "stolen" that EPS file you're using as proof.

Imagine what it would be like if anyone could just point a finger, yell "copyright infringer" and get the persons account deleted....

No, never I only just point a finger.  ;)

Normally, when I contact agencies in this situations, I show links from my portfolios where the original illustrations are.
So they can see, that my files are online for years and been sold 100x or 1000x.
Also they can see, that this is my style, cause there are much more illustrations like this and you can see that my portfolio was natural growing over the years.
Mostly this and that the theafs have not only stolen my pictures in their portfolio, which you can check often only in minutes is reason enough to close the account of the theafs.
Sometimes the agencies asked me for more informations and I gave them the information they need.
But mostly the informations I gave them in the first mail are enough.

Also in this case with alamy. I send them links to my portfolios, where they clearly can see, that this is my work.
So, when this is not enough I can send them more informations, which show clearly who is the theaf.
In this case the two pictures are some of my bestsellers and been sold more than 10.000x .
(and also illegal downloaded thousands times.)

I think agencies and contributors have to work together against theafs.
It's NOT only my work.
So, the answer of alamy is really unacceptable.

« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 04:00 »
If they don't come up with a better response than that, post about it in their forum.  They seem to take notice of posts there and have changed some things.  The good news is that alamy don't sell much, so its very likely that the thief hasn't made any money.  It can take a long time for buyers to pay for their downloads.  Does this person have other peoples stolen images?  They should disable the portfolio, if they have stolen yours.


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