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Author Topic: 2 sales in november...  (Read 8967 times)

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« on: November 13, 2019, 09:21 »
First : 252$
Second : 1$

Naughty gap!

« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2019, 17:21 »
Nope normal gap ~ Alamy prices are all over the place.

Trying to identify their pricing system is like nailing jello to the wall  ;D

I guess the $1 was a distributor sale.

« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2019, 01:56 »
I netted the princley sum of 26c from a $1 sale yesterday...maybe a $100 sale tomorrow....I doubt it.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2019, 13:01 »
Nope normal gap ~ Alamy prices are all over the place.

Trying to identify their pricing system is like nailing jello to the wall  ;D

I guess the $1 was a distributor sale.

Not quite my gap but right. This year $125 high and $3.38 low. That means net $62.50 while the tiny distributor sale, 50% of the leftovers, somewhere in the net $1+ range.

Not that many sales, but compared to Microstock, the return is still higher per download. What's missing is more downloads.  :)

« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2019, 14:12 »
Alamy prices are all over the map, but in general going down, and my take is down more.

2 sales so far in Nov, I got $4.90 and $1.28.

If I had a lot more volume that would be great, as it is, not so great, but maybe there will be a $100 + one today.

« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2019, 15:22 »
My gap for the year is $2.12 and $69.99.  But sales are few and far between.  Plus they take forever to release the money.  I've only gotten 40% of my earnings so far.  And my last sale was in September.  My first sale was in February.  And my one and only payout happened in October.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2019, 12:36 »
My gap for the year is $2.12 and $69.99.  But sales are few and far between.  Plus they take forever to release the money.  I've only gotten 40% of my earnings so far.  And my last sale was in September.  My first sale was in February.  And my one and only payout happened in October.

My view is, one or two payouts a year from Alamy beats the heck out of every other possible agency in the polls on the right, below them, who don't make a payout in a year for many people. I mean I can get sales on DT or 123RF or DP (as examples, not to pick) and not get a $50 payout in a year. Alamy isn't volume and isn't microstock, not comparable.

At the current sales and agencies, one $69 DL from Alamy is more than the little sites make a year. Also more than the best ELs I get from Microstock now. It's one more source and can be lower volume, but higher total?

Sure I'd like more consistant sales, but I'm also pretty happy with what I do get.

« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2019, 13:09 »
My gap for the year is $2.12 and $69.99.  But sales are few and far between.  Plus they take forever to release the money.  I've only gotten 40% of my earnings so far.  And my last sale was in September.  My first sale was in February.  And my one and only payout happened in October.

My view is, one or two payouts a year from Alamy beats the heck out of every other possible agency in the polls on the right, below them, who don't make a payout in a year for many people. I mean I can get sales on DT or 123RF or DP (as examples, not to pick) and not get a $50 payout in a year. Alamy isn't volume and isn't microstock, not comparable.

At the current sales and agencies, one $69 DL from Alamy is more than the little sites make a year. Also more than the best ELs I get from Microstock now. It's one more source and can be lower volume, but higher total?

Sure I'd like more consistant sales, but I'm also pretty happy with what I do get.

I will agree that the earnings are better than DT and 123RF (I'm not on DP), but Alamy's submission process is more tedious than the other two to make your images have "optimized discoverability."  123RF almost isn't worth the effort anymore, so I do put Alamy above them.  But DT is about even with Alamy for me on the actual payout.  I had a payout back in May and am over half way to my next one.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2019, 15:43 »
My gap for the year is $2.12 and $69.99.  But sales are few and far between.  Plus they take forever to release the money.  I've only gotten 40% of my earnings so far.  And my last sale was in September.  My first sale was in February.  And my one and only payout happened in October.

My view is, one or two payouts a year from Alamy beats the heck out of every other possible agency in the polls on the right, below them, who don't make a payout in a year for many people. I mean I can get sales on DT or 123RF or DP (as examples, not to pick) and not get a $50 payout in a year. Alamy isn't volume and isn't microstock, not comparable.

At the current sales and agencies, one $69 DL from Alamy is more than the little sites make a year. Also more than the best ELs I get from Microstock now. It's one more source and can be lower volume, but higher total?

Sure I'd like more consistant sales, but I'm also pretty happy with what I do get.

I will agree that the earnings are better than DT and 123RF (I'm not on DP), but Alamy's submission process is more tedious than the other two to make your images have "optimized discoverability."  123RF almost isn't worth the effort anymore, so I do put Alamy above them.  But DT is about even with Alamy for me on the actual payout.  I had a payout back in May and am over half way to my next one.

My problems with DT are created at home. By me.  ;)

Two points about Alamy, kind of a repeat but it's not Microstock and people shouldn't expect similar results or sales, not even earnings. Alamy is different. Second is part of the first, personal expectations will change the perceptions of anyone. I don't have any expectation that Alamy will be as good as SS, ever. But I do know that different types of images, will sell better on Alamy, and make more, than any Microstock site, for me.

We're all different and we all have differences in goals and desired results, plus differences in essential basics like what to shoot. I wouldn't expect my earnings to be the same, agency to agency, when I don't have the same images, and especially I don't have the same work ethics as some very successful people.

Last point about Alamy: ignore the extra time spent on making images discoverable. That's there to coax some people who don't get enough data in their descriptions or keywords. If you have good descriptions and have good keywords, you don't need to make the "discoverability" change colors on Alamy. If you do that, you'll find it's actually easier submitting to Alamy than most stock sites.

Someone who knows will have to tell us if the new supertags are really making a difference or if we're just making more work, thinking they might make a difference, and in stock everything and anything that might hep seems to get some attention, just in case. There are far too many rumors, theories and superstitions connected with the search, placement, sales and agencies. Now we have Supertags... do they work, do they matter, how important are they? Anyone know, with evidence not factoids and conjecture?

« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2020, 06:36 »
I have a small portfolio of 250 pics, mostly editorial and travel photos. I'm struggling to understand what's the profile of Alamy buyers but I don't get it... Does anybody has a clue?  :)


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