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Author Topic: Accepted First Try. Now How to Get Them For Sale  (Read 7640 times)

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« on: April 25, 2018, 07:09 »
It seems acceptance was the easy part. Each of my three images requires separate nomenclature, two editorial and one not. I've filled out the panel on the right for each of them and then clicked save at the bottom of the panel. But they do not go online for sale. I know I've obviously done something wrong and I'll keep looking but any help would be appreciated.

Also, after I fill in the keywords (cut and paste from notepad, words separated by commas) the words don't appear as separate blocks with stars and askerisks on each side.

The video was no help.

« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2018, 07:16 »
It can take up to 24 hours for the servers to update and have your images for sale
Be patient

For supertags, press on the + in the keywords box

« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2018, 07:33 »
It can take up to 24 hours for the servers to update and have your images for sale
Be patient

For supertags, press on the + in the keywords box

But the screen still shows the three as Not For Sale. Shouldn't there be some indication that the images are going online?


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« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2018, 07:52 »
I've noticed that sometimes it takes more the 24 hours for images to be live on sale, and it can sometimes say 'not on sale' for a couple more days.
If you want to check if they are on sale, a clunky way to do it is:
My Alamy > link to your pages on Alamy (drop down, click on 'Learn more about My Alamy Homepage) > Click to see your My Alamy Homepage, and there you'll see your live 'on sale' images. If you have nothing live by Monday, contact their contributor support. Provided you have filled out the necessary details*, there's nothing else you can do.

If the bar under the photo is orange or green, it's good to go. If it's red you have an essential piece of info missing - * that's only the caption and I think it's five obligatory keywords, license type and image type. . Nothing else is necessary, as if you don't fill in the releases (etc) page, it defaults to 'no releases'.

« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2018, 08:11 »
Also, after I fill in the keywords (cut and paste from notepad, words separated by commas) the words don't appear as separate blocks with stars and askerisks on each side

This. Where are your keywords that you pasted in? Are they still in the narrow box labelled "add new tags" ? As Noodle said you then need to click the + sign at the right hand side of that box. Your keywords will now move below that box and be in seperate blocks. Until you've done that you haven't added your keywords and the image won't go on sale. If you think of any additional keywords type them directly into the "add new tags" box and click the + sign again. Best of luck with Alamy! Regards, David.


« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2018, 10:39 »
It can take up to 24 hours for the servers to update and have your images for sale
Be patient

For supertags, press on the + in the keywords box

But the screen still shows the three as Not For Sale. Shouldn't there be some indication that the images are going online?

If your images show "Not For Sale" in red then you need to add a description.

Make sure you fill in the optional stuff too such as number of people, does the image contain property, and so on.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2018, 16:03 by Sammy the Cat »


« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2018, 10:41 »
Also, after I fill in the keywords (cut and paste from notepad, words separated by commas) the words don't appear as separate blocks with stars and askerisks on each side

This. Where are your keywords that you pasted in? Are they still in the narrow box labelled "add new tags" ? As Noodle said you then need to click the + sign at the right hand side of that box. Your keywords will now move below that box and be in seperate blocks. Until you've done that you haven't added your keywords and the image won't go on sale. If you think of any additional keywords type them directly into the "add new tags" box and click the + sign again. Best of luck with Alamy! Regards, David.

Correction you just need to type the words separated by a comma and hit enter.

If you are using a keyboard of course

« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2018, 11:26 »
Also, after I fill in the keywords (cut and paste from notepad, words separated by commas) the words don't appear as separate blocks with stars and askerisks on each side

This. Where are your keywords that you pasted in? Are they still in the narrow box labelled "add new tags" ? As Noodle said you then need to click the + sign at the right hand side of that box. Your keywords will now move below that box and be in seperate blocks. Until you've done that you haven't added your keywords and the image won't go on sale. If you think of any additional keywords type them directly into the "add new tags" box and click the + sign again. Best of luck with Alamy! Regards, David.

Correction you just need to type the words separated by a comma and hit enter.

If you are using a keyboard of course

Thanks Sammy, I didn't know that!

« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2018, 12:30 »
Thanks to all who replied. Everything is going smoothly now.


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