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Author Topic: 123 agreement  (Read 8132 times)

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« on: March 26, 2012, 15:26 »
Now not only do I have to log in and enter captcha every time I go to the site, I have to agree to the new agreement every time I go to the site.

Maybe if it asked me to log in before agreeing, it would know who I am


« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2012, 00:46 »
Now not only do I have to log in and enter captcha every time I go to the site, I have to agree to the new agreement every time I go to the site.

Maybe if it asked me to log in before agreeing, it would know who I am
I am using Firefox and i have also same problem. I found a solution that more easy than agreement process. When its ask you to you need to agree agreement refresh your browser you are turning back to to the log in screen.


« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2012, 07:22 »
Thanks, I'll try that.
Alex, the page I have bookmarked is www.123rf.com/submit/downloaded_stats.php
It brings up the Feb agreement page before the login. Doesn't matter if I agree or disagree as it doesn't know who I am.

« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 12:22 »
I have not had the problem of the OP, but I do have to look at the new commission rates very time I log in.  We've already complained about the commission cuts and I imagine 95% or more of all contributors will get a reduction next year.  Very annoying, however, 123rf can do what they want and obviously feel that lowering commissions is necessary to stay in business; at least 30-60% commissions are still better than a lot of other sites.  But I do have one comment if Alex is listening:  please think about the subscription commissions - $0.216 per download to start is too low.  Currently 123rf has about the highest starting subscription payout at $0.36, but $0.216 is lower than any other agency - the others have a minimum of $0.25 or $0.30.  Alex, do you really want to be known as the agency with the lowest subscription payouts in the industry?  Not really a great attraction for new contributors.  If you made the minimum $0.252 and went up from there you would at least be competitive with the other agencies.


« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2012, 15:53 »
I have not had the problem of the OP, but I do have to look at the new commission rates very time I log in.  We've already complained about the commission cuts and I imagine 95% or more of all contributors will get a reduction next year.  Very annoying, however, 123rf can do what they want and obviously feel that lowering commissions is necessary to stay in business; at least 30-60% commissions are still better than a lot of other sites.  But I do have one comment if Alex is listening:  please think about the subscription commissions - $0.216 per download to start is too low.  Currently 123rf has about the highest starting subscription payout at $0.36, but $0.216 is lower than any other agency - the others have a minimum of $0.25 or $0.30.  Alex, do you really want to be known as the agency with the lowest subscription payouts in the industry?  Not really a great attraction for new contributors.  If you made the minimum $0.252 and went up from there you would at least be competitive with the other agencies.

I see you are new around. Please do not hijack another person's thread to start your own new topic. Open your own thread.

Back to the topic at hand, I also use Firefox and does not get the same problem. Perhaps you should rather bookmark https://www.123rf.com/login.php It might be your entry point causing the problem.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 15:56 by CD123 »


« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2012, 17:28 »
When I click on my link which points to www.123rf.com/submit/downloaded_stats.php.  The agreement page comes up. At that point, I am at
http://www.123rf.com/submit/agreement.php, so refreshing doesn't do anything.

Also, if I click on Login and do that first followed by captcha, then I get the agreement page again, but now there is no agree or disagree button. At that point I have to leave the site then go back in.
Same behavior in Chrome, IE, and FF
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 17:32 by dbvirago »


« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2012, 17:37 »
When I click on my link which points to www.123rf.com/submit/downloaded_stats.php.  The agreement page comes up. At that point, I am at
http://www.123rf.com/submit/agreement.php, so refreshing doesn't do anything.

Also, if I click on Login and do that first followed by captcha, then I get the agreement page again, but now there is no agree or disagree button. At that point I have to leave the site then go back in.
Same behavior in Chrome, IE, and FF

Yes, it does the same to me with that link. As stated in my previous post, your entry point is the problem. If you are not logged in it defaults to the agreement. Change your entry point as I suggested and the problem should be gone.

Edit: Tested with your entry point - same problem as you experience even after logging in. So, just use my suggested entry point and your problem WILL be fixed!!!!
« Last Edit: March 27, 2012, 17:43 by CD123 »


« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2012, 17:59 »
Yeah. I'll try pointing to the login page. On most sites, I like to point to the page I want to end up on. Most sites, and I have written sites with this behavior, know you aren't logged in and take you to the login page, but remember where you were and return you there.

On 123RF, in particular, the page I want to end up on, isn't available from the menu, which is something that could be fixed.

Alex, here is a clue for tech. I clicked on the link above in CD123 post for the login page. Go the login page. Logged in. Got the captcha page. Entered that. Then I got a microstockgroup.com page with this thread open. Not sure what that has to do with the agreement page issue, but it was unexpected behavior. Same results in Chrome and IE8.

If they could just put a link to the www.123rf.com/submit/downloaded_stats.php page somewhere, or you could tell me where I am missing it.


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