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Author Topic: 123, is it worth it, second time around?  (Read 5596 times)

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« on: February 16, 2012, 01:43 »
Hi!   just curious, I deleted some 800 files there few months back, was fed up with their reviewing system ( and I wasnt the only one) may I add. Listening to many comments here, they seem to have got it together somehow, at least better then before, treating reviewing as a human process, etc.

Would it be worth uploading again? I am not interested in revenue figures, just that the site is working better then it did 6 months back. Got plenty of new stuff which are already selling like crazy, etc.

any comments?

« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 01:46 by lagereek »


« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2012, 04:26 »
I just replied in the other thread (change of commission structure) so here's my c/p:

I didn't read through this thread since 123RF doesn't interest me all that much because it's only a mid earner for me. I was just checking earnings and saw the commission structure change from Jan 2013. I thought this only applied to new members and those with less than 150 files online, but it looks it applies to everyone, or else I wouldn't be getting this msg. So is it?

If they think they motivated me with this RC scheme they're dead wrong, they just made me care even less about them. The low earnings they bring me, the broken site UL they have (so you have to use FTP even if you upload just a couple of files) and their reviews that take weeks, everything is going downhill with this site. Such a shame, they looked perspective not so long ago. They thought they became big enough to start behaving like IS and FT. And the say money doesn't ruin people...

In other words, hellz to the no, I wouldn't start again, surely not for even lower commissions


« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2012, 05:25 »
Lagereek, you really need to make up your mind mate ;)

istock bad or istock good
123RF bad or123RF good

I have issues with SS and DT reviewers so there you go, different for each. Sales are still steady and slightly growing at 123RF for me but I (nor anyone else) cannot guarantee you they won't reject your images again.
I told you to wait mate, unless sales were bad there was no reason to pull your port so fast.
If I was to quit an agency for ridiculous reviews SS would be the first to go…

Normaly you would have to start at a lower commision but they'll probably make an exeption for you, hah!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 06:38 by Wim »

« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 07:33 »
Sure take them for a spin, there should be a window of opportunity for high volume shooters over there.

However once they skim enough money off the lower volume shooters to fund their new Rome, I would not be surprised to see the newly hired IT boys craft a shiny new search engine.  Once that is in place how long do you think it will take before we see best match disease set in? 

In regard to searches I notice a red arrow to the right of SS. I wonder if HCV shooters will be seeing a difference in coming months at SS. They had job postings for a search engine programmer a few months ago, any signs that best match disease is rearing its ugly head over there?


« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2012, 09:16 »
.......... at least better then before, treating reviewing as a human process, etc.

Not that I've noticed, I've just had an image rejected because it featured a credit card, however I had included a note in the description that the credit card is a mock up that it was printed and designed by myself and that all logos and details are generic, the actual credit card design is even in my portfolio with 123RF !!


« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 09:35 »
.......... at least better then before, treating reviewing as a human process, etc.

Not that I've noticed, I've just had an image rejected because it featured a credit card, however I had included a note in the description that the credit card is a mock up that it was printed and designed by myself and that all logos and details are generic, the actual credit card design is even in my portfolio with 123RF !!

Hi Richard!  how goes?

Well I didnt get many rejects in fact but what I opposed to in their reviewing process was some sort of software they use, which really couldnt tell the differance between a toned image and WB,
in any case its the weirdest reviewing system I have experienced.
Well, you see what happend to your credit-card, in spite of being designed by yourself and it sounds like a potential great sellr.



« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 09:37 »
check your private messages for my thoughts...

« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2012, 12:18 »
I may be a dissenter here, but I am happy with 123RF.  Of course, this is easy for me to say, since I'll either stay at my current commission rate or see a bump up in 2013, but I think if you compare their newly announced rates to the other agencies, I think you'll still find them to be fair.

Their uploading system is incredibly easy, I find their reviews to be very fair, and the increasing earnings make 123RF one of my favorites.


« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2012, 12:40 »
^^^Please, before you go on, wipe clean the brownish smears you have around your nose and mouth...thank you! ;)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 12:42 by m@m »


« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2012, 12:47 »
I joined them at there beginning and a few years in. I got discouraged and deleted my port....DUMB mistake. I rejoined 4 months ago sent them about 2000 known sellers and Im very happy with the results and yes the upload system is tops in My book.

« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2012, 13:13 »
^^^Please, before you go on, wipe clean the brownish smears you have around your nose and mouth...thank you! ;)

I knew it would come across that way when I was done typing it, but what can I say, it's all true... at least for me.

I'm probably being a bit more vocal in support than I would normally be... after all, 123RF is just about 6% of my overall earnings... but I think they've been slammed mercilessly here, and they've always done right by me and felt I had to stick up for them.

Bottom line... if anyone don't like the new rules, you don't have to play in their game.  No one would blame you for walking away.  But if you continue to play and think the rules are unfair, you are part of the problem.


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