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Author Topic: No right click on 123rf, any ideas why?  (Read 4433 times)

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« on: March 14, 2012, 06:09 »
This is not a complaint, I'm just curious to know why a website would disable right clicks for links to other pages on its site.

I find it impractical, maybe some techies know the reasoning behind it.


« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2012, 07:17 »
This is not a complaint, I'm just curious to know why a website would disable right clicks for links to other pages on its site.

I find it impractical, maybe some techies know the reasoning behind it.

I think it is clear with 123RF's insistence on a captcha to protect their site integrity that it was developed in either weak web application or language (as they are the only ones requiring it), or poor development. Similarly, on the possible bad security side of the site, the disabling right clicks of certain links might be to prevent more than one instance of the same IP having access to specific pages or to ensure lower trafic by limiting the number of pages you can open at a given time. Only reason I can think of.  ???

« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2012, 16:35 »
This is the age of multiple tabs, actually it began quite a long time ago. They can irritate us all they like and not feel too many consequences, but buyers can't right click and open tabs either from the footer and in the very top bar. Something like that would really put me off from buying from a site on a regular basis.


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