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Author Topic: Editorial on 123RF  (Read 22735 times)

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« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2010, 04:50 »
@newsfocus1: I'm guessing that you're  a new user, and that you've only uploaded to our editorials so far? If you are, then chances are you have not been approved as a contributor yet. Our review net for passing new photographers does not take into account editorial upload amounts.  I think that's why your contributions aren't being reviewed.

Can you please provide me with your userid on 123rf? Please feel free to drop me a PM if you don't feel comfortable revealing it here. We will check for it and approve your membership right away so we can start reviewing your photos.

Thanks fai, that is exactly the situation! I did wonder if that was why it was taking so long. I doubt that I am the only new contributor to 123RF in this situation as there was nothing said about not submitting only editorial images as your initial selection for becoming a contributor (unless I missed it).  My user ID at 123 is the same as here "newsfocus1" . Thanks in advance and looking forward to uploading plenty more editorial images as soon as approved. Regards, David.

« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2010, 21:02 »
You're welcome, newsfocus. We're working on getting your account activated now.

It's true that we didn't mention it anywhere; I think we might have overlooked this. I've already escalated this to management and we'll come up with a solution soon. However at the moment, for those of you that are strictly editorial contributors and experience a similar situation where your queue is not moving, or if you have any other problems coming from the submission process, please contact us by this email: [email protected] [nofollow]

« Reply #27 on: February 04, 2010, 04:06 »
You're welcome, newsfocus. We're working on getting your account activated now.

It's true that we didn't mention it anywhere; I think we might have overlooked this. I've already escalated this to management and we'll come up with a solution soon. However at the moment, for those of you that are strictly editorial contributors and experience a similar situation where your queue is not moving, or if you have any other problems coming from the submission process, please contact us by this email: [email protected]

Thanks again fai, I just checked my account and my initial submissions have moved from pending to accepted. Looking forward to getting uploading now! Regards, David.

« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2010, 10:04 »
I've had some editorials accepted awhile ago but I can't see them in my portfolia. Do they keep editorial and RF separated?

« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2010, 14:37 »
I've had some editorials accepted awhile ago but I can't see them in my portfolia. Do they keep editorial and RF separated?

I think they are waiting until they have a worthwhile amount to launch the Editorial side. None of mine are searchable yet either. I've only uploaded about 20 so far and must find time to do some more. Regards, David.



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