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Author Topic: Accepted images not in Portfolio  (Read 17126 times)

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« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2012, 05:03 »
My images already approved not yet appear in my portfolio!...  ???

Hey vector99,

It will take around a week's time for the approved images to be displayed in your portfolio due to our storage upgrade.


« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2012, 13:40 »
Have just checked and a number of my images uploaded on two seperate occassions in september have failed to make it into my port again. Keyword searches have not turned them up either. They show in my history as having been accepted but not showing.

I hope this isn't going to be something I am going to have to keep checking up on everytime I upload.

Anyone else notice this problem or are they picking on me??????

« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2012, 16:19 »
It can take a while but, if later approved images show up, you need to take it up with support.


« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2012, 07:07 »
Have just checked and a number of my images uploaded on two seperate occassions in september have failed to make it into my port again. Keyword searches have not turned them up either. They show in my history as having been accepted but not showing.

I hope this isn't going to be something I am going to have to keep checking up on everytime I upload.

Anyone else notice this problem or are they picking on me??????

No you're not the only one. I've contacted support twice now about 10 missing images from my port. Last time they said to give them the ID numbers and of course i couldn't because all I know is the number of accepted is different then the number in the port. They then said it might take a couple of days to sort it out and now, hold on let me check...

Nope, a week and a half later nothing has changed. I also noticed that one of my shots is duplicated. Same shot in there twice with 2 different ID numbers. I have stopped uploading because I don't need to go to the effort of uploading if the stuff is just going to go missing and they don't seem to care.

« Reply #29 on: October 03, 2012, 12:43 »
Support told me there had been a "computer glitch" at about the time I uploaded. They say they will sort it but so far nothing.....

« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2013, 02:16 »
Mine appear and disappear, and appear and disappear


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